
Inside the June 2024 issue of Birdwatch


You can now read the June 2024 issue of Birdwatch as either a digital download or paper magazine. The paper magazine is available in the shops from Thursday [23 May] – or you can order online ahead of then.

With temperatures warming, migration slowing down and the breeding season well under way, now is the time to spend time searching for some of the scarcer and shyer nesting birds in your area. One species that is likely under-recorded across the country is European Honey Buzzard – in the latest issue of Birdwatch, Jamie Partridge offers tips on tracking down undiscovered pairs of this beguiling raptor, as well as how to ID them with confidence.

There's also an in-depth feature on the extraordinary constructions that are birds' nests, with experts Nick Williams and Peter Castell taking a closer look at the many different shapes, sizes and forms that these come in, along with a selection of quirky associated facts.

Another bird of prey also features in the June issue. Eleonora's Falcon has one of the most fascinating life cycles of any Western Palearctic bird and Sam Jones profiles this long-distance migrant, looking at its breeding-season behaviour and movements.

Meanwhile, at the very top of mainland Britain lies Caithness, a windswept yet beautiful land that offers superb birding opportunities throughout the year. Nina O'Hanlon showcases this remote, underwatched county and its birdlife. 

There's also an interview with the Turtle Dove Trust, a charity established with the aim of replenishing Britain's beleaguered European Turtle Dove population through a reintroduction scheme, while Ed Stubbs reports back on a fruitful birding trip to Türkiye, where he connected with many special Western Palearctic birds.

Also in this issue, Mike Alibone reviews a lightweight tripod head set to be popular with birders, while there's advice on cropping bird photos, midsummer gardening, June patch targets and birding in Senegal.

Read the latest issue of Birdwatch magazine every month, as well as receive access to a digital archive of the magazine right back to issue 1, with a subscription to Bird News Ultimate PLUS. Or, if a paper copy is your preferred format, receive the latest issue in the post with a subscription to Bird News Ultimate.