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Wyver Lane DWT Derbyshire

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Eurasian Teal
Mary Wilde
19 January 2020
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Site Details

Beside the River Derwent in Belper, which is 6 miles north of Derby. The site is made up of one large lake and a couple that vary in size dependent upon river flooding, etc. Also woodland (mixed) and farmland in the Derwent valley. There is lots of reed and surrounding cover. The reserve is owned by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. It occasionally gets some goodies (Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Garganey, Wood Warbler and Mediterranean Gull all recently). More usual are waterfowl, hirundines, warblers and occasional raptors.

Birding Sites in the Wyver Lane DWT Area

Additional Site Details


Turn left off the A6 (going north through Belper) at the traffic lights by the old cotton mill. Cross the river and turn immediately right - this is Wyver Lane. The lake lies one mile down the lane on the right.


Please do not park on Wyver Lane, which is very narrow. Use the main road, where there is ample parking. There is also parking at the Mill.


Permit-only hide.

Key Areas / Routes

Firstly the walk is along the lane through woods. There is a fishing pond on the right. Then the river comes into view (Common Sandpiper here) and then the big reedy lake. Walk on and observe the smaller lakes and more mixed woodland. There is a good area on the right around the pond for warblers. The walk is not circular, so retrace your steps.

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